In conjunction with the Triple X Fraternity of Los Angeles, the Ararat Home hosts its annual Family Picnic. This event is held on the last Sunday of September annually, on the Mission Hills grounds. The event runs from 11:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Traditionally Armenian foods and pastries are featured as well as folk dancing, games for kids, and an organized Tavloo tournament. This event is geared to entertain the entire extended family no matter what the age is. Dinners are available, with many other choices of authentic Armenian food specialties. Parking with a shuttle bus is provided by the Home.
This year, the annual picnic will be held on Sunday, September 23, 2012. For further information on the next annual picnic, please see the picnic flyer or contact the Ararat Home at (818) 838-4860 or via email at